We curated a list of helpful resources and free tools to help you:
Free Investment Policy Template:
If your nonprofit is investing, you should have an Investment Policy Statement (IPS). The good news is it doesn’t have to be complex, cost money, or be time consuming. Use our free Investment Policy Statement template that has been reviewed by our attorneys to edit and adapt to your organization's preferences. Click here to read more about what an IPS is and why it matters.
Free Google Ads:
Did you know Google offers thousands of dollars of free ad content to nonprofits that you can use to reach donors? It's an amazing offer, and has proven results for increasing your reach. The Google Ad Grants program provides these free Google Ads to 501c3s to help promote your cause. Not sure how to best utilize the program? Reach out to our friends at Nonprofit Megaphone to get started!
Free Investment Advisor Consultation:
Investing isn't easy, but we try and make it feel that way. We help nonprofit Executive Directors, Boards, and Finance committees navigate these big decisions. Sign up for a free 20 minute Investment Consult with an Infinite Giving Investment Advisor Representative to learn more about nonprofit best practices and how Infinite Giving can best support you.
Free Legal Resources:
Pro Bono Partnership provide legal services to qualifying nonprofits serving the disadvantaged and strengthening communities. They are regional organizations that serve nonprofits in their area. Their learning center includes webcasts, podcasts and articles addressing the legal issues nonprofits may face.
Questions? Email us at hello@infinitegiving.com.